Quoting Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Using a fr_FR.po file instead of a fr.po file prevents users of fr_CA,
fr_BE, fr_LU, fr_CH and all other existing and future locales for
French to benefit from the French translation of the program.

Can gettext handle this files?

The language does not vary among countries and, again, this is not the
general practice for programs localization.

Please forward this to the upstream author along with this explanation.

I think this has been a topic on the horde lists oder their bug tracking system.
I'll talk to them and point them out on this report.

You can also mention that the bug probably occurs for other
translations. In general PO files should only be named after the
ISO_639 code of the given language and should not use a country part
with a ISO-3166 code. The only accepted expcetions to this are:

Is this this a Debian rule? (If yes, can you please mention the chapter...I
could not find anything in Policy Manual and Reference). Because horde's
translation README says:
You now have to create a new PO file for your locale. A locale has the form
``ll_CC`` where ``ll`` is the two letter `ISO 639`_ code of the language and
``CC`` the two letter `ISO 3166`_ code of the country, e.g. ``de_DE``,
``en_US`` or ``pt_BR``.

bye, Martin

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