În data de 13.08.2013 02:40, "David Paleino" <da...@debian.org> a scris:
> On Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:48:43 +0300, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> > 2013/8/12 David Paleino <da...@debian.org>:
> > [..]
> > I see you uploaded to sid, could you, please, also push the change to
> > the canonical repo? I would like to backport for myself the official
> > version.
> Yup, sorry, simply forgot it :)


> > I also saw that you made some changes in the resources.py, but I not
> > sure if they aren't redundant. The PRJ_PATH seems to be computed
> > dinamically and it is /usr/share/ninja-ide by default. I know that in
> > the build based on my version f8713efd454c0f9f the start page was
> > displayed properly, which I expect would not happen if PRJ_PATH did
> > not expand properly.
> I guess PRJ_PATH would be /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ninja_ide/ --
> kinda. The reason why it works correctly is because setup.py also installs
> runtime data files -- syntax highlighting, themes, ... (i.e. addins/)
> to /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ninja_ide/.
> Moving them to a more proper /usr/share/ninja-ide needs a patch -- maybe
> isn't "beautiful" (I should've added a DATA_DIR = ..., and then make other
> values depend on that), but it works.

That would be a good idea and I think, if written properly, a variant of
the patch could be submitted upstream and the Debian patch would be to only
rewrite the DATA_DIR, because the rest would be defined against it.

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