Thomas Koch wrote:
> thank you very much for taking this! Your question about "how the zshrc will 
> be provided" is so common that I proposed a general solution:
> In short and for the start I'd say: just put the files under /usr/share/grml-
> zsh-config and provide a shell script that adds the necessary symlinks from 
> my 
> current homedir. It's already a big improvement to have the files in the 
> archive and to get updates.

Yes, thank you! Not having the add-on configuration in /etc sounds like
the right thing to do, because then things can remain in the hands of
the package system.

> Once there is a canonical location for grml-zsh-config I already have my 
> first 
> wishlist items:
> - Integrate vcsh into the prompt

Grml's zsh setup uses a rather extensible prompt (since the last few
releases). Generally, I'd like to not include too many special purpose
code in grml's main configuration, because it is already quite large and

There are some facilities to implement special-purpose prompt support
with grml's new prompts, though. There is an example, that adds
virtual-env support:

Adding support for vcsh should be fairly straight forward. (Support for
it could also be done via vcs_info and its hook subsystem.)

> - make it configurable whether the name of the VCS is shown. I use git 
> exclusively so I'm just interested in the branch name.

Grml's VCS information is provided by zsh's vcs_info system. That system
is pretty configurable¹ and your wish is already easily solved. You just
need to acknowledge, that grml's setup uses two vcs_info formats: One
for its prompt and the other for setting titles in GNU screen and tmux
based on the currently checked out branch.

  zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats '[%b] ' 'zsh: %r'
  zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats '[%b|%a] ' 'zsh: %r'

Add colouring to your preference. ;)

Regards, Frank

¹ man zshcontrib | less -p GATHER

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