On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 01:05:09PM +0000, Reuben Thomas wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Stephen Quinney wrote:
> >I am using gnome-terminal (version 2.10.0-3), the TERM variable is set
> >to xterm.
> OK, I have a fix, which is to output \r<spaces>\r at the end, so that
> if the terminal emulator doesn't understand the string and
> prints it, it is erased. Now in CVS; 2.2.9 out soon, with another
> minor fix for building on systems without va_copy (this shouldn't
> affect Debian).


 Are you suggesting that this is actually a bug in gnome-terminal ?
 If yes, I will reassign this bug to the gnome-terminal package.

 I will also package 2.2.9 as a work-around.


Nicolas Duboc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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