Hi Sean,

On 2005-11-03 04:24:34 -0500, sean finney wrote:

Had a sleepless night, eh? :-)

> anyway, i'll be sending an upload in a few minutes, which should both
> fix the bug in question and also send error messages to stderr.  if you
> could verify both work for you, i'd appreciate it.  i've put up

I've got two messages for you.  A good one and a bad one.

First the good one: cactid uses /etc/cacti/cactid.conf

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] [1004] =>cactid 1 1
| CACTID: Using cactid config file [/etc/cacti/cactid.conf]
| CACTID: MYSQL: Connection Failed: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' 
(Using password: YES)

However, the error messages are still being printed on stdout

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] [1005] =>cactid 1 1 >/dev/null
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] [1006] =>

I think this is due to the fact that the messages do not contain
"ERROR" or "WARNING" (utils.c:582, after patch 02)

But the main bug is fixed so I can finally remove that ugly symlink.

Thanks for your help!


PS: Umm, do you think it would be a good idea to change the timestamp
format (util.c:552) to ISO-8601?
Michael Bussmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BOFH excuse #179:

multicasts on broken packets

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