Am 05.09.2013 19:42, schrieb Julien Cristau:
> On Thu, Sep  5, 2013 at 19:40:18 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 05.09.2013 19:29, schrieb Julien Cristau:
>>> On Thu, Sep  5, 2013 at 17:50:18 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>>>> Am 05.09.2013 17:29, schrieb Robert Millan:
>>>>> -#include <nlist.h>
>>>>> +#include <bsd/nlist.h>
>>>> Does that also work with FreeBSD so can be pushed upstream?
>>>> Apparently libgtop2 has native FreeBSD support and I wonder if nslist.h
>>>> is using a different location on  FreeBSD.
>>> In xorg-server added `pkg-config --cflags libbsd-overlay` to CPPFLAGS
>>> from debian/rules.  Lets the code expecting bsd headers on bsd work
>>> without patching.
>> That's confusing tbh. Why is libbsd-dev using different paths in the
>> first place which requires such hacks?
> Because the normal bsd paths would conflict with gnu libc-dev headers
> (maybe not for nlist.h, but for others).

Why do libc-dev and libbsd-dev have conflicting files in the first place
and why not move just the conflicting (BSD) files to bsd/ ?

Apparently libgtop2 built just fine in the past with libbsd-dev, so this
looks like a recent regression in that package.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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