❦ 14 septembre 2013 05:29 CEST, YunQiang Su <wzss...@gmail.com> :

> This package has one or more -L/usr/lib in its build system,
> which will make it ftbfs if there is libraries under /usr/lib,
> while is not the default architecture, mips* for example.
> On mips* systems, /usr/lib is defined as place to hold O32
> libraries, and /usr/lib32 for N32, and /usr/lib64 is for N64.
> Beside the way, on the multiarch system like Debian, user may install
> libraries under /usr/lib by hand.
> Please use the default search path if you can, and please consider fix
> this.
> I will try to fix this bug, while if you can help to fix it, 
> It will be very appreciative.


Some pointers would be appreciated, maybe on wiki.debian.org. While
fixing it on HAProxy can be done just in debian/rules, I cannot do the
same thing for labrea. I need to patch configure and this is something
that I don't like to do.

The pattern `-L${prefix}/lib` seems to happen often. Are we going to
patch all upstream sources for this problem while this worked for years
without any problem? The `-L${prefix}/lib` is convenient because it
allows a user to install the lib in its home.

Does the bug really happens for real? Doesn't system paths used before
user-specified paths?
Use recursive procedures for recursively-defined data structures.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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