Quoting Agustin Henze (2013-09-16 11:55:56)
> On 09/15/2013 05:05 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > I perfectly agree with Martin: Please consider taking responsibility 
> > for existing Bootstrap package instead.
> Ups, I misunderstood the message of Martin, sorry. Thanks for the 
> clarification :).

> Anyway we need both versions of bootstrap for now, because bootstrap3 
> it's not backward compatible.

Good point.  In future please consider mentioning that in the RFP :-)

> I sent the RFP because I want to know if someone else is
> interested, I'm. But I need first do a lot of work before to get my 
> package (nikola) ready, I need 5 o 6 new packages... I think that it 
> will take me about two or three weeks, if in that time anyone take the 
> job, I'll do.

Quite sensible.  But again, please consider mentioning such 
considerations of your when filing a bugreport - they are nice to know 
for those caring about the bug. :-)

> > Also consider joining the Javascript team and do your work there: 
> > https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript :-)
> I'm already part of the Javascript team :)

Excellent (and sorry for not knowing my own team mates :-/ )

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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