On 12-Oct-2013, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> It's a pleasure to see that you care for your package. :)

Thank you, it's a pleasure to get assistance and testing.

> There's a problem in the dh_link override of your package.

Good catch. I don't test on Wheezy, but this does expose a bug in the

> dh_link \
>           --package=python-coverage \
>           usr/share/python-coverage/htmlfiles \
>           usr/lib/python2.7 2.6/dist-packages/coverage/htmlfiles

What's happening here is that I'm using ‘PYTHON2_VERSION’ (generated by
‘shell pyversions -vr’) as though that contains exactly one version. On Sid
there is currently only one Python 2 *and* only one Python 3, but on Wheezy
there is more than one Python 2. So the above command has a space where I'm
not expecting it.

> In fact, I don't think there is a --package=python-coverage option in
> dh_link (to be checked). Nothing talks about it in the man page.

The ‘--package’ option is documented in ‘debhelper(7)’, section “SHARED

> Also, the package does links for python 2.7 only. Not python 2.6 is the
> package is backported, or python 3.

So I need to correct the ‘debian/rules’ to make use of ‘pyversions’ and
‘py3versions’ output as a *sequence* of versions. I'll get to that now.

For Python 3, I think the ‘debian/python3-coverage.links’ handles the
symlink correctly since the directory is the same for all Python 3

 \       “Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into |
  `\   hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” –Jesus, as quoted in Luke |
_o__)                                                             12:5 |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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