On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 04:01:52PM +0100, Timo Schneider wrote:

> I am the new crip maintainer. 


Welcome and thanks for taking a look at my bug report.

BTW: Why have you sent this mail only to me and not to the BTS? I'm
cc'ing [EMAIL PROTECTED] now.

> I saw you filed a bug against it
> (#334533). In the bugreport you stated that crip does not use the
> setings made in ~/.criprc.

Please note that I filed the bug against version 3.5-1sarge2 of crip.
I just downloaded the new version 3.6-1 from

> I tried to locate the bug with perl -d but failed to find anything
> suspicious, so I tried to set nano as editor in the ~/.criprc and it
> worked (default ist sensible-editor which would be vim here). So please
> give me some more information, for example your .criprc.

1) Version: 3.5-1sarge2

$ grep mapeurochars /home/gregoa/.criprc 
$mapeurochars = "on";

$ perl -d `which crip`
  DB<1> w $mapeurochars
main::(/usr/bin/crip:151):      $mapeurochars = "off";
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  ''
    new value:  'off'
main::(/usr/bin/crip:156):      $eurochars = 
main::(/usr/bin/crip:179):      open(CONFIG, "<" . $ENV{HOME} . "/.criprc");
main::(/usr/bin/crip:191):      close CONFIG;
 || die "$USAGE";
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  'off'
    new value:  ''
249:        my @optionlist = @_;        # local copy of the option descriptions
  DB<2> r
scalar context return from Getopt::Long::GetOptions: 1
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  ''
    new value:  'off'
main::(/usr/bin/crip:236):      if ((defined $opt_h) || (defined $opt_help)) { 
print "$USAGE"; exit(); }
main::(/usr/bin/crip:346):      print "   mapeurochars = $mapeurochars\n";
   mapeurochars = off

If I read this correctly $mapeurochars (or any other variable) never
gets assigned a new value within the WHILE loop between open(CONFIG
.. and close CONFIG (or this value is overwritten again) later.

Ok, now updating to 3.6-1

2) Version 3.6-1

$ crip
crip v3.6 (http://bach.dynet.com/crip)

   Please report all bugs, feature requests, or
   general difficulties to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Options currently set to:
   mapeurochars = off

$ perl -d `which crip`
  DB<1> w $mapeurochars
main::(/usr/bin/crip:162):      $mapeurochars = "off";
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  ''
    new value:  'off'
main::(/usr/bin/crip:167):      $eurochars = 
main::(/usr/bin/crip:190):      open(CONFIG, "<" . $ENV{HOME} . "/.criprc");
  DB<2> r
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  'off'
    new value:  ''
249:        my @optionlist = @_;        # local copy of the option descriptions
  DB<2> r
scalar context return from Getopt::Long::GetOptions: 1
Watchpoint 0:   $mapeurochars changed:
    old value:  ''
    new value:  'off'
main::(/usr/bin/crip:247):      if ((defined $opt_h) || (defined $opt_help)) { 
print "$USAGE"; exit(); }

Well, AFACIS ~/.criprc is still not used.
(I just copied $mapeurochars here but it's the same for all values.)

I attach my .criprc, maybe you find out something.

PS: Maybe you could take a look at "#334535: crip: error in cddb
submissions with non-ASCII characters", too.


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# encoders supported are "vorbis" and "flac"
$encodeto = "vorbis";

# Flags for oggenc (Ogg Vorbis encoder) command.  Only used only if
#  $encodeto is set to "vorbis".
# Default is "-q 4" which is a quality setting very roughly equal to
# about 128kbps.  Note that even "-q 3" is better than 128kbps MP3.
# Hint:  If you'd rather put these flags as a command-line option,
#  use:  -o " -q 4"  (with a space as the first character within the
#  quotes so as to not confuse the command-line parser)
$oggencflags = "-q 4";

# $flacflags:  Only used if $encodeto is set to "flac".
# Note: if you include --ogg as a flag and encode to an ogg-formatted
# flac file,  crip will try to use metaflac to write the tags and that
# seems to fail.  I'm not sure what the best way to handle this scenario is.
# If anyone out there wants to make flac files within the .ogg framework,
# please enlighten me as to 1) why,  and 2) what is one supposed to use to
# modify comments in this .ogg file,  vorbiscomment?!
$flacflags = "--best --replay-gain";

# Flags for cdparanoia (CD ripper) command.
# I like to use "-v -z" here.
# If you find the "-v" is too verbose and pointless,  feel free to take it
# out.  That would significantly reduce the size of your terminal output.
# I find that using "-z" is good because I like knowing that when the script
# finishes cdparanoia did not encounter anything that could lead to an
# audible defect.  However sometimes the script might hang indefinitely
# because of the "-z".  If you find that is the case,  you can now ctrl-C
# during the rip and set new options (say, to "-v --never-skip=40") so that
# you can at least go back and listen to see if there were any audible
# defects (most of the time there isn't even if the rip wasn't perfect).
$cdparanoiaflags="-v -z";

# The comment field in the tag-info will be the Disc ID followed by the
# string below.
$comment = "Produced using " . $version . " on ";
# The comment is followed by a date/time timestamp.

# Get the title information that goes into the tag either from the
# "filename" or the "cddb" info.
# Default is "filename",  because sometimes the CDDB info is wrong.
# Note that if you set this to "cddb" but there isn't any CDDB info,
# it'll just set it based on the filename anyway.
$settitle = "filename";

# editnames: "off" = Use the legacy command-line to edit filenames;
# "on" = use an editor;  and "both" = use the command-line to edit the
# filenames but also asks afterwards if you want to edit the filenames
# with the editor.   default = "on".
$editnames = "on";

# Your favorite editor for editing filenames and tag files
$editor = "sensible-editor";

# Default contact information (put YOUR e-mail address here!)
# Remember to escape the '@' (by putting a '\' before it).
# Example:  $contact = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$contact = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

# Normalization is not necessary with replaygain/vorbisgain tags, so
# turn off normalization by default.
# This option can either be "on" or "off".
$normalize = "off";
# Volume threshold - if peak vol > 1/$volthresh don't bother normalizing
# Default is 1.078.  If you set this value real high,  your songs probably
# won't be normalized but you'll still get the "not normalized, peak=X.XXX"
# in your comment (you won't get this in your comment if normalize is off,
# but you'll still have peak and group-peak info in your replaygain (vorbisgain)
# tags,  but these tags are not visible using xmms thru v1.2.7).
# If normalize = "off" then $volthresh is ignored.
$volthresh = 1.078;

# $trimsilence can either be "on" or "off",  depending on whether or not you
#  want to trim silence off the beginning & end of your track/group.
# Note that if both trimsilence and normalize are off,  you won't need
#  sox or wav_find_beginning or wav_find_end.
# I personally always set this to "on",  but I'm defaulting it to "off" so
# that the prerequisits aren't so tough.  It doesn't seem to make much
# difference in the final file size,  interestingly.
$trimsilence = "off";

# The type of media that the source comes from (default = "CD")
# this just gets put in a comment
$sourcemedia = "CD";

# Default genre to "classical" unless otherwise specified later.
$genre = "misc";

# Default device to rip from
$cddevice = "/dev/cdrom";

# Turn on/off deletion of wave and tag files.  "on" by default.
$delfiles = "off";

# Classical-style questioning defaults to "off" (because I'm assuming
# most people will be ripping 'pop-style' CDs most of the time),
$askclassical = "off";
# ...unless the genre winds-up being of the following,  then it defaults
#  to "on". (values will be compared in a case-insensitive way)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] = ("classical","jazz");
@classicalgenres = ("classical");

# Skip the album abbreviation question?
# (turn this "on" if you never want to be asked for or have the album
#  abbreviation.  If you rip a bunch of classical CDs and don't want
#  to have to answer null to the album abbreviation question every
#  time it's asked,  but otherwise for non-classical CDs you want to
#  have the album abbreviation,  set to "classical".)
# "off", "on", or "classical" - default should be "off".
$skipalbumabv = "off";

# Turn this on to skip the ripping process and create empty .wav files.
# By turning this on you will automatically turn on $stopgap so that
# you will have a chance to substitute the empty .wav files with the
# .wav files that you presumably already have.
$skiprip = "on";

# Add a 'stop-gap' for allowing user to edit the .wav files before
# they are encoded?  This is done after the digital silence trimming.
$stopgap = "off";

# Eject CD when done with it.  "off" by default.
$ejectcd = "on";

# Funny characters to allow (in default filenames) (other than [A-Z,a-z,0-9])
# Edit this string with care.  Some chars have to be escaped ("\"),  some
#  apparently have to be double-escaped ("//") (such as "(",")","[", and "]")
#  and some don't need to be escaped at all (such as the ",","á","é", etc.)
$funnychars = "\-\'\",\\.\\[\\]\\(\\)";
# Map euro characters in the default filenames to American characters
# (turn "on" if you are an American imperialist)
$mapeurochars = "on";
# European characters to allow (if $mapeurochars is set to "off")
# (again, this is only for the computer-chosen default filenames,  which
#  are based on CDDB info.  The tag info will automatically allow European
#  characters from CDDB or user sources.)
$eurochars = "ÑñÁáÉéÍíÓóÚúÀàÈèÌìÒòÙùÄäËëÏïÖöÜüÂâÊêÎîÔôÛûÇçÃãÕõŽžÝýŸÿŠšÅåߌœÆæ";

# Allow spaces in filenames
# I recommend leaving this off because it is bad form to have spaces in
# filenames regardless of whether you are on UNIX or Windows.  I have included
# the option because there are too many Windoze users out there who flooded
# the internet with sorry-ass MP3s made with bad encoders, no tag information,
# and inappropriate file naming conventions, and who are still too used to
# putting spaces in their filenames.  I figure having this feature will
# encourage them to use this script and make better quality files for
# everyone.  (no offense to the person who suggested me this feature)
# So if you absolutely must have spaces in your filenames,  turn
# this to "on" (default is "off").
$allowspaces = "off";

# This is the e-mail address used to submit new entries to the freedb
#  CDDB database
$cddbsubmitaddr = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
# Directory to write the cddb submit entry file (need to have write
#  permissions to this directory).
$cddbsubmitdir = "/tmp";

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