Tristan Seligmann <> writes:

> Does this really invoke /usr/bin/coverage, as opposed to just
> importing the coverage module (I'm not familiar with testrepository)?
> I would have expected most Python tools to just import the module,
> rather than spawning the wrapper as an external process, hence my
> original question.

Right. This is support for working with the upstream of testrepository
if it doesn't already import the Python module, in order to avoid the
problem the right way.

> I agree with this; if a naming conflict develops in the future, I
> don't think renaming things then will be any harder than renaming them
> now is

That sounds like an argument that renaming the program, as the Debian
‘python-coverage’ package has always done, is not causing a problem
worth changing the package's behaviour now.

 \          “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action, according to our |
  `\        will, within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of |
_o__)                                       others.” —Thomas Jefferson |
Ben Finney <>

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