Am 16.10.2013 21:54, schrieb Fabian Greffrath:
> package: gnome-session-flashback
> version: 3.6.2-1
> severity: minor
> Hi there,
> I have seen that for the first upload to unstable of the
> gnome-session-flashback package, you disabled the
> 00_dont-require-nautilus-classic.patch patch. 
> This patch, however, removes "nautilus-classic" from the list of
> RequiredComponents in the gnome-flashback.session.desktop file.
> Disabling the patch, in turn, leads to this component becoming required
> again. However, I have yet to find a single file that contains the
> string "nautilus-classic" in its file name in entire Debian. 


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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