hello hans-christoph,

i've tested the fdroidserver from your git repository, albeit in a
slightly unconventional way: i'd prefer to have a completely free build
environment, so i'm using the replicant sdk from [1] instead of the
usual android sdk.

this showed a problem with discovering the aapt path:

(reporting this to the itp instead of to a dedicated bug as the package
is still in NEW).

> $ fdroid init
> Reading config.py...
> Enter the path to the Android SDK (/opt/android-sdk): 
> /tmp/replicant/replicant-sdk_linux-x86
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/fdroid", line 63, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "/usr/bin/fdroid", line 59, in main
>     mod.main()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fdroidserver/init.py", line 153, in 
> main
>     if os.path.isfile(aapt):
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'aapt' referenced before assignment

that is due to aapt not being shipped in `build-tools/$VERSION` but in
`platform-tools` in the replicant sdk. (given your comment in 459219,
that part would need an extension to detect a natively installed aapt
too, and ideally not even mention it in the config).

with that set up, i was able to build an fdroid application
(net.sylvek.sharemyposition) with minimal modifications (setting
target=android-15 from target=android-11), and to install it on an
android device.

given that, there is reason to assume that the infrastructure of a full
featured f-droid server can be properly shipped in main. (full-featured
as far as replicant is a full-featured android sdk). but that's probably
something i'd rather report to #459219...

thanks for packaging fdroidserver


To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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