On Sb, 30 nov 13, 15:15:47, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> Control: reopen -1
> Hi,
> The submitter also mentioned that 'Type' should not be 'notify' and 
> indeed the daemon fails to start if it is set like this. I just removed 
> the line and the daemon started correctly.

Scratch that, it works fine with 'notify', as per
https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/4503 but I had to set 
-g|--config-dir in ExecStart, otherwise the daemon would segfault 
(probably because /home/debian-transmission doesn't exist so the daemon 
can't write its files anywhere).

Reading through the upstream bug log I have a few suggestions in regards 
to fixing this bug:

1. Create the user debian-transmission with $HOME /var/lib/transmission

2. Don't hardcode -g|--config-dir in the start parameters and let the 
daemon use the default $HOME/.config/transmission which will now 
translate to /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission

As a bonus this would also allow getting rid of the 
/etc/default/transmission file ;)

3. In order to prevent torrents being downloaded to /var by default ship 
a settings.json with

    "download-dir": "/home/debian-transmission/",

(or whatever)

What do you think?

Kind regards,
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