Dear Paul, Jean-Philippe, Fellow TTS members and a11y members,

Paul's email has raised some important considerations.

Just some further clarification while we gather/await opinions from other
TTS and a11y team members:

1) Apologies for not being clear with regard to speech-dispatcher. I had
not considered this for the TTS group since
I assumed it fell directly within a11y group's expertise. Is this the
opinion of a11y team members?

2) I had not formed an opinion with regard to festival-freebsoft-utils. It
would appear to lie right on the border
between TTS and a11y programs which drive TTS. All of this package is
written in festival's Scheme implementation.
It is a small package and I would not want it to be long orphaned.
For TTS group - uses same Scheme dialect which TTS group maintains for
festival - maintainence burden would be low.
For a11y group - freebsoft-utils is closely tied to speech-dispatcher -
a11y group has more users which would be doing
on going testing of this functionality.
If a11y do not pick it up, I would say that TTS probably would feel a
strong moral obligation to pick up freebsoft-utils.
It has a fairly high popcon (people find it useful) and links closely with
the festival/spech-tools packages we maintain.
In a sense it is really the glue program between our two groups. I look
forward to your opinions.

I look forward to this continuing dialogue,

very best regards,
Peter Drysdale

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