Control: tag -1 moreinfo

Dmitrijs Ledkovs <> writes:
> From my point of view, including/installing upstart job with
> dh_installinit is the only piece that is required to integrate your
> package correctly with both upstart & sysv init at the same time.
> Leaving out modifications to the init.d script.

Just installing the job file should cause no harm, but I'll probably
wait for the tech-ctte decision.

Also Colin Watson[1] and Ian Jackson[2] suggested that "expect fork"
might not be a good idea. The upstart job should probably do what
Type=simple in systemd[3] does, i.e. ask atd not to fork and don't
expect anything special to happen to signal readiness.

  [1] <>
  [2] <>
  [3] <>


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