Adding the bug back into the Cc: list.

Lawrence Woodman <> writes:
> Funnily enough I meant to include the stderr output but forgot.  The full
> output is attached.
>>   Also helpful would be the output of
>> ls -lL /dev/bus/usb/002/005
> devname changed so:
> crw-rw-r-- 1 root lp 189, 133 Jan 30 14:16 /dev/bus/usb/002/006
>> and
>> getfacl /dev/bus/usb/002/005
>     getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
>     # file: dev/bus/usb/002/006
>     # owner: root
>     # group: lp
>     user::rw-
>     group::rw-
>     other::r--
> From the above I could see that the group for the device was 'lp', which
> my user wasn't a member of.  I put my user into this group and it all works
> fine now.  So an open question for me is why this should suddenly become
> an issue and whether the group for the scanner usb device should be 'lp' or
> 'scanner'.

The group id for the scanner device should be 'lp', but there should be
a read/write ACL entry for 'scanner', and there isn't. The "udevadm
test" output showed that it should have tried to make one, but
apparently that didn't happen for some reason. Try running as root

setfacl -m g:scanner:rw /dev/bus/usb/002/006
getfacl /dev/bus/usb/002/006

or whatever the devname currently is. If it shows a line like


then the problem is that udev isn't running setfacl for some reason or
that it is failing due to something different in its environment. If
it produces an error, then that's probably the cause.
Mark Buda <>
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

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