❦  2 février 2014 05:15 CET, Vincent Cheng <vch...@debian.org> :

> libvdpau-va-gl1 ships /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20vdpau-va-gl, which contains:
>  [ ! -f /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture 
> -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/vdpau/libvdpau_va_gl.so.1 ] || \
>    export VDPAU_DRIVER=va_gl
> However,
> $ dpkg -S /usr/bin/dpkg-architecture 
> dpkg-dev: /usr/bin/dpkg-architecture
> And your package is missing a depends on dpkg-dev. Unfortunately I don't know
> of a sane way to get the multiarch triplet without adding a dependency on
> dpkg-dev (for dpkg-architecture) or gcc.

Thanks for noticing. I have searched a bit and didn't find a way to get
this acrhitecture. Maybe I could just build it from `arch`-`uname -s |
tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`-*?
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            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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