Le mardi 04 février 2014 à 22:42 +0100, Julian Taylor a écrit :

> it will deadlock eating all cpu in gomp at the end.
> This is the typical failure pattern caused by forks combined with gnu
> openmp (see https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/issues/294)
> But the weird part is this testsuite does not fork at all, so it might
> be a different issue.
> It did not occur when openblas was still using pthreads.

These two paragraphs contradict each other. Is it a fork issue or not?

> Given the problems openmp based openblas causes in the python world (see
> the linked issue) I would prefer if the change was reverted or openmp
> variant split into a separate alternative.

I would rather keep the libopenblas-base package with OpenMP, and create
a new libopenblas-pthread0 package.

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
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