Control: clone 737704 -1 -2
Control: retitle -1 does not strip file:// prefix.
Control: retitle -2 does not strip file:// prefix
Control: reassign -1 pcmanfm
Control: reassing -2 spacefm

Dear maintainers of pcmanfm and spacefm,

apparently pcmanfm and spacefm do not strip the file:// prefix from
paths when they pass URLs or file paths to external applications.

If an application appends the %U parameter to the Exec line in its
desktop file, pcmanfm and spacefm are able to display the program and
associate it with its corresponding mime types. However if the user
right-clicks on a file and tries to open it, both file managers will
pass the complete file URL to this application instead of a single path.

This happens only when an application uses the %U parameter but works as
intended with the %f parameter. Since Thunar and Nautilus already strip
the file:// prefix from paths, pcmanfm and spacefm should do the same.



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