On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:43:52 +0200 Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:

> Please fix this bug and/or forward this bug report upstream.
> Thanks for your time!

Hello, I see that my bug report was forwarded upstream (thanks for
doing so!) and rejected by the upstream developers.
As I understand it, they did the equivalent of tagging the bug
"wontfix", while explaining the reason for doing so.

Since I tested rxgettext and its output .pot file seems to work
flawlessly, despite this difference from the behavior of xgettext,
I think I can accept the decision of the upstream developers.

I think this bug report (#726946) may be safely closed (without any
fixed version) or, if you prefer, tagged as "upstream" and "wontfix".

Thanks for dealing with it!

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