Control: tags -1 upstream
Control: reassign -1 python-gnupg, pyspread

I can't reproduce this exact problem with the following steps:

* I've installed pyspread under jessie (with python-gnupg 0.3.5-2)
* Launched pyspread, let it create a passwordless key
* Saved a file
* Updated python-gnupg to 0.3.6-1
* Reopened the file, changed it, saved it again
* Created another file, tried to save it.

No error messages were displayed, but reopening the files didn't 
evaluate the contents of cells.

Investigating more, I've found that the signature files created were 
actually of zero lenght, both with python-gnupg 0.3.5-2 and with
0.3.6-1, and I believe that the problem lies in the fact that 
pyspread uses a key UID to specify which key to use for signing instead 
of the key ID / fingerprint.

In theory, this should be supported (it is by gnupg), and I've opened a bug 
on python-gnupg upstream for it, but IMHO it would be much safer for 
pyspread to use key IDs instead of UIDs (e.g I have more than one key 
with the same UID)

See also:

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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