Package: dunst
Version: 1.0.0-2
Followup-For: Bug #740824

I noticed my last patch was missing some required changes to config.def.h.
Re-attaching the complete patch.
diff -rud dunst-1.0.0.Orig/dunstrc dunst-1.0.0/dunstrc
--- dunst-1.0.0.Orig/dunstrc	2014-03-05 12:41:03.274349758 +0100
+++ dunst-1.0.0/dunstrc	2014-03-05 14:18:34.002606394 +0100
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 # Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules
 # to override settings for certain messages.
-# Messages can be matched by 'appname', 'summary', 'body' or 'icon'
+# Messages can be matched by 'appname', 'summary', 'body', 'icon' or 'msg_urgency'.
 # and you can override the 'timeout', 'urgency', 'foreground', 'background'
 # and 'format'.
 # Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
diff -rud dunst-1.0.0.Orig/rules.c dunst-1.0.0/rules.c
--- dunst-1.0.0.Orig/rules.c	2014-03-05 12:41:03.274349758 +0100
+++ dunst-1.0.0/rules.c	2014-03-05 14:20:56.246612633 +0100
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
         r->body = NULL;
         r->icon = NULL;
         r->timeout = -1;
+        r->msg_urgency = -1;
         r->urgency = -1;
         r->fg = NULL;
         r->bg = NULL;
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
         return ((!r->appname || !fnmatch(r->appname, n->appname, 0))
                 && (!r->summary || !fnmatch(r->summary, n->summary, 0))
                 && (!r->body || !fnmatch(r->body, n->body, 0))
-                && (!r->icon || !fnmatch(r->icon, n->icon, 0)));
+                && (!r->icon || !fnmatch(r->icon, n->icon, 0))
+                && (r->msg_urgency == -1 || r->msg_urgency == n->urgency));
 /* vim: set ts=8 sw=8 tw=0: */
diff -rud dunst-1.0.0.Orig/rules.h dunst-1.0.0/rules.h
--- dunst-1.0.0.Orig/rules.h	2014-03-05 12:41:03.274349758 +0100
+++ dunst-1.0.0/rules.h	2014-03-05 14:21:44.014614729 +0100
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
         char *summary;
         char *body;
         char *icon;
+        int msg_urgency;
         /* actions */
         int timeout;
diff -rud dunst-1.0.0.Orig/settings.c dunst-1.0.0/settings.c
--- dunst-1.0.0.Orig/settings.c	2014-03-05 12:41:03.274349758 +0100
+++ dunst-1.0.0/settings.c	2014-03-05 14:21:23.242613817 +0100
@@ -31,6 +31,27 @@
+static int ini_get_urgency(char *section, char *key, int def)
+        int ret = def;
+        char *urg = ini_get_string(section, key, "");
+        if (strlen(urg) > 0) {
+                if (strcmp(urg, "low") == 0)
+                        ret = LOW;
+                else if (strcmp(urg, "normal") == 0)
+                        ret = NORM;
+                else if (strcmp(urg, "critical") == 0)
+                        ret = CRIT;
+                else
+                        fprintf(stderr,
+                                "unknown urgency: %s, ignoring\n",
+                                urg);
+                free(urg);
+        }
+        return ret;
 void load_settings(char *cmdline_config_path)
@@ -280,22 +301,8 @@
                 r->body = ini_get_string(cur_section, "body", r->body);
                 r->icon = ini_get_string(cur_section, "icon", r->icon);
                 r->timeout = ini_get_int(cur_section, "timeout", r->timeout);
-                {
-                        char *urg = ini_get_string(cur_section, "urgency", "");
-                        if (strlen(urg) > 0) {
-                                if (strcmp(urg, "low") == 0)
-                                        r->urgency = LOW;
-                                else if (strcmp(urg, "normal") == 0)
-                                        r->urgency = NORM;
-                                else if (strcmp(urg, "critical") == 0)
-                                        r->urgency = CRIT;
-                                else
-                                        fprintf(stderr,
-                                                "unknown urgency: %s, ignoring\n",
-                                                urg);
-                                free(urg);
-                        }
-                }
+                r->urgency = ini_get_urgency(cur_section, "urgency", r->urgency);
+                r->msg_urgency = ini_get_urgency(cur_section, "msg_urgency", r->msg_urgency);
                 r->fg = ini_get_string(cur_section, "foreground", r->fg);
                 r->bg = ini_get_string(cur_section, "background", r->bg);
                 r->format = ini_get_string(cur_section, "format", r->format);
--- dunst-1.0.0.Orig/config.def.h	2014-03-05 12:41:03.274349758 +0100
+++ dunst-1.0.0/config.def.h	2014-03-06 12:43:56.981454478 +0100
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
 rule_t default_rules[] = {
         /* name can be any unique string. It is used to identify the rule in dunstrc to override it there */
-        /*   name,     appname,       summary,         body,  icon,  timeout,  urgency,  fg,    bg, format, script */
-        {"empty", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},
-        /* { "rule1", "notify-send",  NULL,            NULL,  NULL,  -1,       -1,       NULL,  NULL, "%s %b", NULL }, */
-        /* { "rule2", "Pidgin",       "*says*,         NULL,  NULL,  -1,       CRITICAL, NULL,  NULL, NULL, NULL    }, */
-        /* { "rule3", "Pidgin",       "*signed on*",   NULL,  NULL,  -1,       LOW,      NULL,  NULL, NULL, NULL    }, */
-        /* { "rule4", "Pidgin",       "*signed off*",  NULL,  NULL,  -1,       LOW,      NULL,  NULL, NULL, NULL    }, */
-        /* { "rule5", NULL,           "*foobar*",      NULL,  NULL,  -1,       -1,       NULL,  "#00FF00", NULL, NULL }, */
+        /*   name,    appname,        summary,         body,  icon,  msg_urgency, timeout,  urgency,  fg,    bg,        format,  script */
+        {    "empty", NULL,           NULL,            NULL,  NULL,  -1,          -1,       -1,       NULL,  NULL,      NULL,    NULL},
+        /* { "rule1", "notify-send",  NULL,            NULL,  NULL,  NULL,        -1,       -1,       NULL,  NULL,      "%s %b", NULL }, */
+        /* { "rule2", "Pidgin",       "*says*,         NULL,  NULL,  NULL,        -1,       CRITICAL, NULL,  NULL,      NULL,    NULL    }, */
+        /* { "rule3", "Pidgin",       "*signed on*",   NULL,  NULL,  NULL,        -1,       LOW,      NULL,  NULL,      NULL,    NULL    }, */
+        /* { "rule4", "Pidgin",       "*signed off*",  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,        -1,       LOW,      NULL,  NULL,      NULL,    NULL    }, */
+        /* { "rule5", NULL,           "*foobar*",      NULL,  NULL,  NULL,        -1,       -1,       NULL,  "#00FF00", NULL,    NULL }, */

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