On lun, mar 10, 2014 at 09:47:46 +0100, Andras Korn wrote:
> Package: libcurl3-gnutls
> Version: 7.35.0-1
> Severity: normal
> Hi,
> this appears to be a regression.
> With 7.33.0-1 I could access git repositories over https; with 7.35.0-1 I
> can't:
> % GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git clone https://https.server/repo.git/
> Cloning into 'repo'...
> * Couldn't find host https.server in the .netrc file; using defaults
> * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
> *   Trying
> * Connected to https.server ( port 443 (#0)
> * found 164 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> * gnutls_handshake() failed: A record packet with illegal version was 
> received.
> * Closing connection 0
> fatal: unable to access 'https://https.server/repo.git/': gnutls_handshake() 
> failed: A record packet with illegal version was received.

Could this repository be made available for testing?

> gnutls-cli can connect to the server without problems:

If you are using Debian sid, gnutls-cli is built against libgnutls28 (while
licurl uses libgnutls26) so this isn't much useful (unfortunately we can't
switch to libgnutls28 for licensing problems).

Would it be possible for you to downgrade to an earlier libgnutls26 version
and test with that? You can grab snapshots for libgnutls26 from [0].


[0] http://snapshot.debian.org/binary/libgnutls26/

perl -E '$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'

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