Package: nginx
Version: 1.4.6-1~bpo70+1

1) I installed 'nginx/wheezy-backports' via puppet, and manually confirmed that 
nginx, nginx-full, and nginx-common are all the same version and installed (via 
'aptitude show foo')
2) On setting up a vhost with basic auth, I received a 'basic_auth is an 
invalid parameter' message and nginx failed to start:

  root@uncle:~/puppet# nginx -t
  nginx: [emerg] invalid parameter "auth_basic" in 
  nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

3) I couldn't successfully troubleshoot it, so I manually did 'aptitude purge 
nginx nginx-full nginx-common' to get rid of the backports version
4) I then manually installed nginx from the standard wheezy repo (version 
1.2.1-2.2+wheezy2). This version of nginx passed 'nginx -t' as expected

The first part of the relevant config has nothing special:

  server {

      listen  80  default_server

      auth_basic            "Restricted stats";
      auth_basic_user_file  /etc/nginx/conf.d/.htpasswd;

      location ^~ /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph/ {
          (blah blah blah)

I'm not particularly familiar with the details of nginx compiled modules, but 
it looks like the version in wheezy-backports is missing at least the 
basic_auth module, if not more.

- Paul

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