* Emilien Klein: " Re: [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#707639: gnuhealth: System
  user for the server" (Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:39:05 +0100):

> The GNU Health package runs its own dedicated Tryton server, under
> that gnuhealth user, unoconv would thus run under the same user as the
> Tryton server.

I think you are missing the point. Provided you are running a tryton-server and
a gnuhealth-server under different users on the same machine, it will be
painful (read: impossible AFAIK) to run a unoconv service for both of them or
for each of them.

> I will close this issue as the current situation is the best for the
> Debian users of GNU Health.
> You are obviously free to add more details and argument your position,
> should you think this presents major issues for Debian or its users.

Done. I don't think the current way is the best way to do it. I still can't see
the added value in using an additional system user compared to the
complications it can cause.



    Mathias Behrle
    PGP/GnuPG key availabable from any keyserver, ID: 0x8405BBF6

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