Am 31.03.2014 18:30, schrieb Ralf Jung:

> However, it seems we are talking about different symlinks here: When
> disabling ssh.service, I also get the output you describe. But that
> symlink seems to be the result of the
> Alias=sshd.service
> line in the unit file, while there's no output for what happens due to
> I don't know whether this output is present upstream. If not, I'd
> consider this an upstream bug.
> Wednesday I should have access to a Fedora machine, so I can check how
> that behaves.

Hm, true. Completely missed that bit.
Somehow systemctl enable|disable only outputs the symlinks
created|created by Alias= but not WantedBy=

I guess this more accurately describes the bug, right?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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