On Sun, Apr 06, 2014 at 04:04:52PM +0200, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Maybe I missed it, but I don't see any mails from you on debian-wb-team@. It
> would probably be a good entry point (along with $a...@buildd.debian.org) to
> get answers to buildd-related questions, don't you think?
There have been multiple emails to the various arches with the replies
  * Oh, it compiled on some buildd so its all good now
  * It complied on my XYZ arch
  * Silence

The problems stem from either:
  *the buildds putting the kernel into an odd situation so the 
  sched_setscheduler() function fails, or works and doesn't show up
  or perhaps the kernel tables are weird.
  * the buildds mangling the shell is so it simultaneously says kill
    exists and kill doesn't exist.
  * the buildds messing up some /proc files, such as /proc/partitions
    in a way that cannot really exist in a real system.

I suspect that the two references you sent are #1 and #3.
Generally if you login to the relevant arches and compile the programs
they will compile and test ok, it is something the buildd process itself
that makes these problems occur. I don't have access to these systems, I
don't really understand them and I know they are inconsistent (the last
being the i386 set that failed and then.. was ok with no change of the

FTBFS just basically blocks fixes which is probably not what anyone
wants with impossible to isolate let alone fix, phantom bugs.

 - Craig
Craig Small (@smallsees)   http://enc.com.au/       csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
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