[At 18.11.2005 08:23, Steve Langasek kindly sent the following quotation.]

> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 01:17:43AM +0100, Vlada Macek wrote:
>> Vacation does not wait for its sendmail child to die in any way and
>> exits!
>> Therefore accurate vacation parent (such as maildrop MDA) wipes
>> forked and executed sendmail before it could send any message...
> Huh? Why is that a reasonable thing for the MDA to do?

As I was reading its source, Maildrop just cleans up its own mess, which
is rather creditable I think. It sets a process group at the beginning
and does

    (void)kill( -getprocgroup(), SIGHUP );

in the cleanup() method. It's probably more than most of the parent
processes do out there, but at least it reveals such megabugs like that
of vacation.

I don't know whether the package maintainer is viable (there is at least
one other serious bug for vacation), but I plead for fixing this bug. It
cost me more than I day of desperation to find it, since I completely
trust Postfix-MTA code and it looked like Postfix was swallowing the
messages... Once fixed, other users wont be hurt anymore.

Thanks in advance.


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