On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 06:56:32PM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> Le 16/05/2014 18:15, j...@users.alioth.debian.org a écrit :
> > URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/ddp/?sc=1&rev=10388
> > Log:
> > 
> > French translation done by Kilic Ali-Firat <kilic.alifirat AT gmail.com>
> > and provided in 
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-french/2014/05/msg00043.html
> > 
> > This commit fixes java-common bug #747253
> No, this commit won’t fix #747253, since the FAQ is now maintained in
> the java-common package (and has been for a while). Can you please
> delete the useless (and error-prone) copy from the DDP to avoid further
> mistakes (and eventually upstream any improvements to be included in the
> java-common package), or replace it by a README pointing to the accurate
> repository.

Dear David,

I seem to have missed something. I'm the original author of the document and,
for quite a long time in the past, its sole maintainer. I always believed the
java-common package contained a *copy* of the DDP document.

If you take a look at https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#java-faq, you
will see that the DDP version is the one pointed to for this documents'
sources. The document itself at
https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/ doesn't point otherwise.

As you can see in other past bugs (such as #449282) the java-common was in
the past  manually updated from the DDP when required.  I don't recall being
notified (by java-common maintainers or anyone else up to now) that the
java-common version was to be considered the "upstream version" now. 

Unfortunately, it seems that the new maintainers have taken the java-common
version as "upstream" and made changes there. Since I see that the SGML
version in java-common contains some changes not available in the DDP.
There seems to have been a comunication error somewhere.

Anyway, I will contact them and suggest doing the following:

0.- We should sync both versions (DDP and java-common). I've made extensive
changes to the DDP version to allow for translations using PO files which, I
believe, are quite useful.

1.- the java-common package should just copy the contents from the DDP and
include *there* a README indicating that the java-faq sources are in the DDP.
This should also be stated in the document.

2.- the java-common should be updated with whatever is in the DDP.

Note: It is my current understanding that the contents from
https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/ are generated based on
the java-common package nowadays. Is this correct? 

Best regards


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