Am 19.05.2014 15:02, schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> Am Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014, 22:13:09 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> Am 13.05.2014 09:57, schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
>> org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions
> This also needs the according suspend action to be a full work-around:
> merkaba:/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d> cat 
> org.freedesktop.upower.pkla
> [Suspend/hibernate permissions]
> Identity=unix-group:sudo
> Action=org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-
> sessions;org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-multiple-sessions

No, you should not need that. suspend-multiple-sessions already has
<allow_active>yes</allow_active>, i.e. if you have an active (logind)
session, policykit will *not* prompt for an admin password.

If you don't have an active logind session (check with loginctl
show-session <ID>), this is something you should investigate.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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