On May 21, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:

>My understanding of this discussion was having exactly one wheel shipped in
>python-pip-whl which includes the vendorized dependencies.

No, each -whl package installs separately, and they're essentially vendorized
at run time by putting the wheels from <venv>/lib/python-wheels at the front
of sys.path.

>python3.4-venv won't have any version limited dependency on pip's
>dependencies, and won't hard-code any specific version in the ensurepip

I guess you changed the ensurepip.diff then to listdir
/usr/share/python-wheels?  dstufft and I had talked about that, but it was his
feeling that it wouldn't be a good idea.  I don't remember why, but I would
like to see an upstream solution to that, eventually.

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