Control: tag -1 + moreinfo

Hi John,

thank you for reporting this bug to Debian!

John Wong wrote (07 Jun 2014 13:27:24 GMT) :
>    1. aa-notify not start up on boot

I'm slightly confused: the bug title says that aa-notify is started,
and now you're telling us that it is not. May you please clarify?

FTR, aa-notify starts just fine on my own sid (running GNOME Shell),
but I can't easily reproduce the "no notification" part, as I'm only
using the systemd journal (that's not supported by aa-notify yet), and
have disabled syslog, so my kern.log is empty.

>    (I added the user to adm group)

A simple check, just in case: did you logout and log in again after
doing this change?

>    2. aa-notify do not notify/popup the warning messages,
>    even some program denied by apparmor.
>    (I can see those warning messages in /var/log/kern.log
>     and aa-notify is running)

If you started aa-notify by hand, what options did you pass it?
The default (as set in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90apparmor-notify) is to

  /usr/bin/aa-notify -p -s 1 -w 60

Another thing worth checking is whether you have a libnotify
compatible daemon running: what desktop environment are you running?

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