Latest patch attached. As far as I can tell, I now have working packages.

Some generally observations.

* python2: binaries under library path have '#!/usr/bin/env python'.
* python3: binaries under library path have '#!/usr/bin/env python'.

* binaries installed under /usr/bin/ have correct hash bang (yes, this is
with the attached patch).

* python3 package doesn't include the following files, so no conflicts.
  * /etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion (installed via dh_install
  * /usr/bin/django-admin (installed via and renamed in

* The python3 package does include:
  * /usr/bin/ (installed via and NOT renamed in

* There was stuff in debian/rules looked kind of ugly and broken (hard
coded referenced site-packages, but dist-packages used), so I deleted it
until I can work out if it really is required or not. It doesn't appear to
have been doing anything useful.

* many lintian image-file-in-usr-lib warnings.


* Obviously, we still need to fix the conflicting binary issue. It may not
conflict at the moment, but that is only because the python3 package hasn't
renamed it correctly.
* Also uncomfortable with /etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion
only being included in the python2 package.
Brian May <>
diff -ruN --exclude '*.bak' python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/control python-django-1.6.5/debian/control
--- python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/control	2014-05-15 06:47:08.000000000 +1000
+++ python-django-1.6.5/debian/control	2014-06-23 11:48:57.194928161 +1000
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  Raphaƫl Hertzog <>,
  Chris Lamb <>
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), python (>= 2.6.6-3~), python-sphinx (>= 1.0.8), locales (>= 0)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dh-python, python-all (>= 2.6.6-3~), python3-all, python-sphinx (>= 1.0.8), locales (>= 0)
 Build-Depends-Indep: libjs-jquery
 Vcs-Svn: svn://
@@ -20,6 +20,33 @@
 Description: High-level Python web development framework
  Django is a high-level web application framework that loosely follows the
  model-view-controller design pattern.
+ .
+ Python's equivalent to Ruby on Rails, Django lets you build complex
+ data-driven websites quickly and easily - Django focuses on automating as much
+ as possible and adhering to the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle.
+ .
+ Django additionally emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components;
+ many generic third-party "applications" are available to enhance projects or
+ to simply to reduce development time even further.
+ .
+ Notable features include:
+  * An object-relational mapper (ORM)
+  * Automatic admin interface
+  * Elegant URL dispatcher
+  * Form serialization and validation system
+  * Templating system
+  * Lightweight, standalone web server for development and testing
+  * Internationalization support
+  * Testing framework and client
+Package: python3-django
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}
+Recommends: libjs-jquery
+Suggests: python3-psycopg2, python3-psycopg, python3-mysqldb, python3-flup, python3-sqlite, python3-yaml, geoip-database-contrib, gettext, python-django-doc, ipython3, bpython3, libgdal1
+Description: High-level Python web development framework
+ Django is a high-level web application framework that loosely follows the
+ model-view-controller design pattern.
  Python's equivalent to Ruby on Rails, Django lets you build complex
  data-driven websites quickly and easily - Django focuses on automating as much
diff -ruN --exclude '*.bak' python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/python3-django.dirs python-django-1.6.5/debian/python3-django.dirs
--- python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/python3-django.dirs	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
+++ python-django-1.6.5/debian/python3-django.dirs	2014-06-23 11:19:43.231273218 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -ruN --exclude '*.bak' python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/python-django.install python-django-1.6.5/debian/python-django.install
--- python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/python-django.install	2010-09-18 22:15:28.000000000 +1000
+++ python-django-1.6.5/debian/python-django.install	2014-06-23 11:37:04.487316964 +1000
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
 extras/django_bash_completion etc/bash_completion.d/
diff -ruN --exclude '*.bak' python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/rules python-django-1.6.5/debian/rules
--- python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/rules	2011-09-15 20:39:41.000000000 +1000
+++ python-django-1.6.5/debian/rules	2014-06-23 12:41:33.186361373 +1000
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
--include /usr/share/python/
-ifeq (,$(py_sitename))
-  py_sitename = site-packages
-  py_libdir = /usr/lib/python$(subst python,,$(1))/site-packages
-  py_sitename_sh = $(py_sitename)
-  py_libdir_sh = $(py_libdir)
+export PYBUILD_NAME=django
 PREFIX = debian/python-django
+PREFIX3 = debian/python3-django
-	dh $@ --with sphinxdoc,python2
+	dh $@ --with sphinxdoc,python2,python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
 	rm -rf docs.debian tests/
@@ -46,21 +40,6 @@
-	# Use default shebang and m move scripts to /usr/lib/python-django
-	set -e; for ver in $(shell pyversions -vr); do \
-		[ -f /usr/bix/python$$ver ] || continue;\
-		FILE=$(PREFIX)/$(call py_libdir_sh,$$ver)/django/conf/project_template/; \
-		if [ -f $$FILE ]; then\
-			perl -pi -e 's|^#!/usr/bin/env python.*|#!/usr/bin/python|' $$FILE;\
-			chmod +x $$FILE;\
-		fi;\
-		if [ -d $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/python-django ]; then\
-			rm -rf $(PREFIX)/$(call py_libdir_sh,$$ver)/django/bin;\
-		else\
-			mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/python-django;\
-			mv $(PREFIX)/$(call py_libdir_sh,$$ver)/django/bin $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/python-django;\
-		fi;\
-	done
 	# Fix permissions
 	chmod 644 $(PREFIX)/etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion
 	find $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/python-django/bin/ -name '*.py' -not -name '' -print0 | xargs -0r chmod 755
@@ -72,6 +51,8 @@
 	set -e; for FILENAME in jquery.js jquery.min.js; do \
 		find $(PREFIX) -name $$FILENAME -exec \
 			ln -sf /usr/share/javascript/jquery/$$FILENAME {} \;; \
+		find $(PREFIX3) -name $$FILENAME -exec \
+			ln -sf /usr/share/javascript/jquery/$$FILENAME {} \;; \
Binary files python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/.rules.swp and python-django-1.6.5/debian/.rules.swp differ

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