Okay, I read the whole transcript and I understood the change from Git to

Just send me the repository adress. Thanks.



2014-06-24 20:50 GMT+02:00 Alexander Alemayhu <alexan...@bitraf.no>:

> Hei Yoann,
> after sending the previous mail. I talked to pere and asked if he could
> look at
> the package.  The package looked good according to him. pere encouraged me
> to
> talk about postr on #debian-python.  Which I did and pere offered to
> sponsor the
> package, but the PAPT team did not seem to accept packages maintained in
> git
> currently. So I decided to change the maintainer instead of going back to
> the
> past and using SVN.  Below is a transcript from IRC to get the context:
> 17:13 < pere> ccscanf: hi.  what is the status of the postr package you
> are working on?
> 17:14 < ccscanf> I think it is ready for a sponsor.
> 17:18 < ScottK> barry: Here's another problem of that kind I ran across
> recently: https://github.com/bro/pysubnettree/pull/3/files
> 17:18 < ScottK> If I hadn't actually be regenerating the files during the
> build, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
> 17:20 < ccscanf> If anyone here can try the package, that would be nice.
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/postr/postr_0.13-1.dsc
> 17:22 < pere> ccscanf: did you ask the python team for git repo hosting?
> 17:23 < paultag> hahaha
> 17:23 < paultag> no git for python team :)
> 17:23 < paultag> svn :)
> 17:23 < pere> aha.
> 17:23 < pere> I guess that is cleared, then. :)
> 17:24 < pere> ccscanf: I guess I'll push your github repo to the
> collab-maint repo, then?
> 17:25 < pere> ccscanf: btw, refresh my memory.  what is the status of the
> current postr maintainer David Paleino?
> 17:26 < ccscanf> pere: No. I have cc-ed David on most of my postr email,
> but he has not replied any.
> 17:26 < pere> ok.
> 17:26 < ScottK> FTR, it's no git without some work being done that no one
> seems to want to do.
> 17:26 < ccscanf> pere: Pushing to collab-maint would be nice. Thanks.
> 17:27 < paultag> ScottK: olasd did it
> 17:27 < paultag> ScottK: but no one commented or anything, I don't think
> 17:27 < paultag> git-buildpackage + mergeWithUpstream
> 17:27 < paultag> which is how I keep repos anyway
> 17:27 < ScottK> Really.
> 17:27 < paultag> so nommmm
> 17:27 < paultag> Really!
> 17:27 < ScottK> I don't think that was all that was needed.
> 17:28 < ScottK> There was also the issue of how to make changes across a
> stack of repos or do partial branches of one large one.
> 17:28 < ScottK> p1otr: What was the list of stuff before we thought git
> was OK?
> 17:30 < pere> ccscanf: git pushed.
> 17:31 < pere> should
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/postr.git or your github
> repo be the packaging repo?
> 17:32 < ccscanf> I think it is better to revert back to collab-maint for
> the Vcs-* fields.
> 17:33 < p1otr> ScottK:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2013/02/msg00123.html
> 17:34 < paultag> olasd: where's the set of git packages?
> 17:34 < paultag> if the consensus is try it out and get mindshare, I'll
> just start updating stuff in git.
> 17:35 < ccscanf> pere: I can make the change and push to the github repo.
> 17:35 < ScottK> p1otr: Thanks.
> 17:36 < ansgar> paultag: The last time Git was mentioned it ended in a
> flamefest. And the time before too...
> 17:36 < paultag> I love svn-buildpackage's workflow
> 17:36 < paultag> I hate git-buildpackage's default workflow
> 17:36 < ScottK> For git, I like git-dpm.
> 17:36 < paultag> I love git-buildpackage emulating svn-buildpackage's
> workflow
> 17:36 < paultag> so that's what i'll use.
> 17:37 < ansgar> paultag: What are the workflows? I use neither of them.
> 17:37 < paultag> git-buildpackage has this stupid idea upstream source
> should be in the repo
> 17:37 < paultag> svn-buildpackage just tracks debian, and merges that with
> pristine upstream
> 17:38 < ansgar> paultag: I just use git-sbuild which doesn't care if
> upstream source is present or not :>
> 17:38 < ccscanf> pere: git pushed.
> 17:39 < paultag> :)
> 17:49 < pere> ccscanf: time to upload?
> 17:50 < ccscanf> pere: If anyone is willing to sponsor, yes.
> 17:51 < barry> yeah, i've had better luck with git-dpm than
> git-buildpackage
> 17:51 < pere> perhaps someone from the python app team would like to do it?
> 17:52 < ScottK> If it's in Git, (ATM) it's not a team issue.
> 17:52 < pere> if no-one volunteer quickly, I'll upload it myself. :)
> 17:52 < pere> ScottK: what do you mean?  what is "a team issue"?
> 17:52 < ScottK> Team packages aren't in git.
> 17:53 < pere> is that a statement meaning packages in git are unwanted as
> team packages, or a statement meaning that so far no team maintained
> packages have been in git?
> 17:54 < ScottK> It's a statement that the team only has one repo.  For now
> that's in svn.  If we move to git, we'll (as described in the mail p1otr
> linked) move everything.
> 17:54 < ScottK> We don't want a split.
> 17:57 < pere> ccscanf: this confuses me, given that the team is listed as
> the maintainer for postr in git.
> 17:58 < ccscanf> ScottK: How is that related? postr is a application not a
> module?
> 18:00 < pere> ccscanf: did you discuss postr on the team mailing list?
> 18:02 < ccscanf> pere: I mentioned it
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2014/05/msg00125.html
> 18:03 < ScottK> pere: I think that's an error then.
> 18:03 < ScottK> It should be in svn if it's team maintained.
> 18:04 < ScottK> It's the same issue for modules and applications teams.
>  It's the ~same people.
> 18:04 < pere> so far postr have been in the collab-maint git, and ccscanf
> based his updates on this git repo.
> 18:05 < ScottK> OK.  Then it's not really team maintained.
> 18:06 < pere> so I guess there are three options.  (1) the team accept to
> put a package in collab-maint git under the team umbrella, (2) the package
> is moved to the python-apps svn or (3) the package is maintained without
> the team listed as maintainer.
> 18:07 < ScottK> Right.  #1 has been discussed many times and rejected.
> 18:08 < pere> if the team as ScottK expresses it refuses to touch packages
> in git, (1) is out of the question.  options 2 and 3 can be selected by
> ccscanf, while option 1 need team accept.  ccscanf, I guess it is up to
> you. :)
> 18:08 < ScottK> p1otr: ^^^ am I wrong?
> 18:09 < ScottK> pere: We don't want multiple repositories and a git
> transition isn't going to do itself.  That's not really the same thing as
> "refuses to touch packages in git".
> 18:09 < ccscanf> pere: I am going for 3.
> 18:09 -!- achadwick [~achadw...@nat-alpha.ceu.ox.ac.uk] has quit [Quit:
> Ex-Chat]
> 18:09 < pere> in practice, I am covinced the nice people on this channel
> is willing to provide advice even if the team is not listed in the control
> file, so the practical difference should not be too big. :)
> 18:12 < p1otr> ScottK is right. Show us the code or go away
> 18:13 < pere> p1otr: does it mean I am wrong, and the nice people on this
> channel want us to go away if the package stay in git?
> 18:14 < pere> (the code is in <URL:
> http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/postr.git >, if you want to look at
> it. :)
> 18:14 < p1otr> I didn't read everything. "go away" is for people who want
> to force me to do more work
> 18:14 < p1otr> I will move at least PAPT to git at some point
> 18:14 < p1otr> I love git
> 18:15 < p1otr> I hate people who want to force me to do something they like
> 18:15 < p1otr> ... and do nothing themselfs
> 18:15 < pere> p1otr: I fail to understand why you bring this up in this
> discussion.  why do you believe it is relevant?
> 18:16 < p1otr> relevant to what?
> 18:16 < paultag> It's not, we're just a disfunctional team :)
> 18:17 < pere> that seem like a nice summary of the situation.  ccscanf, so
> what is next?
> 18:18 < p1otr> if it's not "you guys should do this and this but I will
> not do it myself because you don't like me", then I'm sorry
> 18:19 < pere> p1otr: I am sorry to, to have learned that this is not the
> place I believed it was, and that I suggested to ccscanf that he should get
> in touch with the python team.
> 18:19 < ScottK> pere: I think you are misunderstanding.
> 18:19 < ccscanf> pere: I set myself as the maintainer, the changes are on
> github.
> 18:20 < p1otr> pere: I don't have time to process what we have right now,
> I don't have time to prepare an transition
> 18:20 < pere> ScottK: could be.
> 18:22 -!- gudjon [~quas...@31-209-201-19.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has quit
> [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
> 18:23 -!- gudjon [~quas...@31-209-201-19.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has
> joined #debian-python
> 18:24 < pere> ccscanf: pushed to collab-maint.
> 18:24 < ccscanf> Thanks.
> 18:24 -!- simonft [~simo...@castro.tenthcircle.net] has joined
> #debian-python
> 18:24 < pere> ccscanf: I guess we are done here. :)  Very illuminating
> session. :)
> 18:25 < p1otr> pere: I'm sorry, I didn't want to be rude
> PS: The log is longer, but I tried to make it short enough to get the
> context. Sorry if it is too long to read.

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