On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 04:55:46PM +0100, Loic Minier wrote:
>  I found references to freetype in 2.6 Gtk's source, but not in the 2.8
>  series (except in gdk/linux-fb which isn't built for Debian AFAICT),
>  hence I'm closing the bug with the first upstream version we uploaded
>  to experimental without the freetype requirement.

>  (It would be nice if you could double-check though.)

Yep, 2.8.7 looks pretty clear, thanks.

>  BTW, the GNOME team is ready since a good while to try moving gtk 2.8
>  to unstable, but postponed due to cairo being stuck behind freetype.  I
>  really hope we can get gtk in the pipe ASAP, and if you think there's a
>  way to do so without waiting for the end of the multi-months freetype +
>  libstdc++ new transitions, that's be nice.   :)

So the concern, of course, is that gtk 2.8 brings a shlibs bump, and we
don't want to break a bunch of stuff that's waiting on it.  Well, cairo is
*definitely* tied to the libfreetype transition, because it specifically
depends on new features that weren't available in freetype 2.1.7; so if
gtk 2.8 needs libcairo, then gtk 2.8 won't make it into testing until
freetype is figured out.  OTOH, gtk+2.0 already has to be uploaded *for* the
freetype transition, then uploading gtk 2.8 at the same time as freetype
gets sorted out seems like a good idea to me.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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