package: python-sqlalchemy
version: 0.9.6-1

I'm packaging gnukhata and it uses out parameters in postgresql stored
procedures. It is working well with sqlalchemy 0.7.x but it fails in
0.9.x hence I cannot upload the package to unstable. I have made a
personal repo of the package which you can try

we have reported it upstream
but they are not very helpful (in one comment they even said - "Note
that there has never been support for this (OUT parameters
specifically). If your function worked on 0.7 with OUT parameters, it
was a cooincidence.").

In my repo, I have rebuilt sqlalchemy 0.7.8 on unstable as
python-sqlalchemy7 and added it as a dependency.

It would be nice if you can help me solve this issue. We'll need to
change either gnukhata or sqlalchemy.


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