severity 339146 important
retitle 339146 anjuta: please don't put shared libraries in the same binary 
package with your application

This bug appears to be a false-positive; the anjuta package is not a library
package.  It contains some .so objects under /usr/lib/anjuta, but in
unstable it provides no -dev package that anyone could use to link against
these libraries.  Given that there are consequently no reverse-dependencies,
I don't believe a rename is required here.

However, in experimental I see that there *is* an anjuta-dev package; but
the libs are still in the main anjuta package, which is bad precisely
because it's a problem for anyone trying to depend on these libs when they
go through an ABI change.

If we are to support packages linking against these libraries, the libs
should be split into their own package (and for that matter, moved to
/usr/lib).  If their only use is for plugins or similar, though, then this
probably isn't necessary after all.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

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