An alternative came to mind, how about removing version check and adding
an AC_whatever check?
No idea about what changes mozilla-plugin version 8 (version 2, in
openvrml case) introduced.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 08:03:25PM +0200, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> That patch looks good to me, I could even apply it upstream. Is
> npapi-sdk a Debian-specific thing, or is it something other
> distributions will use as well soon?
> I also wonder if patching all downstream projects is the right way to
> solve this issue, but I don't know much about NPAPI (if 0.27 is the
> real API version number, then patching them is the right thing to do -
> otherwise for real compatibility with stuff that depended on
> mozilla-plugin, having a higher version number there would help)

See [0]. I packaged Gentoo maintainers' work [1] plus cherry-picked few
further changes.


AFAICS 0.27 never changed since initial import, nor on firefox tree [2].
If Gentoo upstream was more active, they would probably bump micro
version from .2 to .2+n, n is number of changes I cherry-picked.
Not sure that would be really needed.


At the moment in npapi-sdk-dev, mozilla-plugin.pc is just a link to
npapi-sdk.pc, broken by versioned dependencies as you pointed out.
Making it ship its own mozilla-plugin.pc with a higher version, yes
would fix versioned deps too.
IMHO patching upstream is better, just requiring more work.

Anyway, it looks like both mozilla and chromium are phasing NPAPI out.


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