Package: flex

Version: 2.5.37


It is not clear to me that Debian is responsible for the 'flex' manual, but
the manual itself does not say where to submit corrections. I trust you will
be able to forward this appropriately, or tell me a better place to submit
it. I refer to the online edition:

"This edition of The flex Manual documents flex version 2.5.37. It was last
updated on 22 July 2012.

This manual was written by Vern Paxson, Will Estes and John Millaway.

" - see 


In the example regular expression for C99 String Literal, about 1/3 of the
way from the left is the set '[0123456]'. Presumably, this is intended to
match escaped octal numeric literals, in which case the digit '7' should
also be included in the set.


= = = = =


Also, in the PDF version of the 'flex' manual, for example, at , 

"Lexical Analysis with Flex

Edition 2.5.39, 6 December 2012

Vern Paxson, Will Estes and John Millaway" 


this same example C99 String Literal example regular expression suffers the
same omission as above, and also is truncated on the right where it extends
beyond the edge of the page. (125 is the page number printed at the top of
the page, but it is the 132nd page in the PDF file.)


Some other example regular expressions just above the C99 String Literal
also are truncated at the right edge of the page in the PDF file.


Best regards,


Paul Rolig

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