Hello Anand,

On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 14:07:10 +0800, Paul wrote:
> Version 0.1.2 is available, and has (among other things) quote (from the
> website):
> Version 0.1.2 (Sep 12 2004) Callback API reset bug fix.

Just wondering, are there any issue that prevent packaging this?

Considering this seems to be only a bugfix release I think this should
be included, especially as the actual code changes are rather minor:
|  examples/sndfile-resample.c |   10 +-
|  src/samplerate.c            |    3
|  src/src_sinc.c              |    6 -
|  tests/benchmark.c           |    6 -
|  tests/calc_snr.c            |    3
|  tests/callback_test.c       |    2
|  tests/float_short_test.c    |    5 -
|  tests/misc_test.c           |    2
|  tests/multi_channel_test.c  |    4 -
|  tests/reset_test.c          |  149 
|  tests/simple_test.c         |    2
|  tests/snr_bw_test.c         |    2
|  tests/src-evaluate.c        |   15 ++--
|  tests/termination_test.c    |    5 -
|  tests/util.h                |    6 +
|  15 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

However, just wondering a bit more, as you appear to be continuously
working on your other packages: have you maybe lost interest in this


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