Package: gnuplot
Version: 4.6.0-8

$ gnuplot contrib.runes
$ wc -l
$ gnuplot contrib.runes contrib.runes
$ wc -l
$ cat contrib.runes
set terminal epscairo size 5.0, 3.5
set output ''

set xrange ["1311264120":"1405958544"]
set yrange [0:800]
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set style fill solid 0.5
plot 'contrib.gnuplot' using 1:2 with boxes title 'osstest loc by author date'

The output file from the first invocation does not actually contain
the graph data.  I have searched the whole manual for the word
`output' and nothing seems to suggest what I'm doing anything wrong.

I have seen similar effects with other `set terminal' options.  While
I haven't reproduced that systematically, I don't think this is simply
a bug in the epscairo terminal driver.

The file contrib.gnuplot is attached, as are the two .ps files.


1260748800 442
1263427200 726
1266105600 529
1268524800 186
1271199600 1819
1273791600 470
1276470000 6
1279062000 97
1281740400 204
1284418800 660
1287010800 1062
1289692800 2315
1292284800 2418
1294963200 430
1297641600 177
1300060800 103
1302735600 421
1308006000 43
1310598000 129
1313276400 376
1315954800 97
1318546800 4
1323820800 18
1326499200 48
1329177600 207
1331683200 88
1334358000 250
1336950000 197
1339628400 2
1342220400 2
1344898800 5
1350169200 23
1352851200 1931
1355443200 3
1360800000 135
1363219200 581
1365894000 477
1368486000 2
1371164400 6
1373756400 2
1376434800 1
1379113200 6
1381705200 569
1384387200 428
1386979200 201
1389657600 230
1392336000 667
1394755200 316
1397430000 539
1400022000 495
1402700400 677
1405292400 771
1407970800 212

Description: PostScript document

Description: PostScript document

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