
> Control: notfound -1 2.3.13-2
> Control: close -1
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 06:11:29AM +0900, Kouhei Maeda wrote:
> > But this problem was unreproducible when I had created a new base.cow.
> > (The other lintian errors occured.)
> I also cannot reproduce the problem in a clean, up-to-date chroot. Closing.

My apologies for the late reply. Indeed this was an issue caused by my set up,
even though there does seem to be a genuine problem here (but not an RC one; I'm
leaving the bug closed for now and will let you judge).
It's this bit of the code/configuration:


As I had been building this from within jenkins,
xmlrunner.extra.djangotestrunner.XMLTestRunner was used instead of the
(default?) DiscoveryRunner. Apparently, however, the XMLTestRunner won't work
for this test suite.


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