On 2014-07-26 15:25:32, David Kalnischkies wrote:

Hi David,

> That is surprising to see. It seems to be a slightly modified 6 years
> old copy of apt's http method (with all its bugs of course) which just
> got 2 years ago GPLv3(+) headers.

Taking above on board I decided to write whole S3 transport from scratch.

> I have the strong feeling that this could just as well be patched into
> apt directly. Some of the forks (really, 77 forks? for this? apt has
> a serious marketing problem…) suggest that a bunch of stuff could be
> added, which I guess are not that okayish for apt directly, but I would
> encourage you in any case to contact us at de...@lists.debian.org so we
> can work out how to avoid a massive code-copy as this is (as shown here)
> prune to get out of date and accumulate unfixed (security) bugs fast.

We (me and my colleague) already have a proof of concept in python which just
need some more polishing. Once it's done I'll drop follow up to
de...@lists.debian.org with request to evaluate it from your point of view.

> > deb s3://AWS_ACCESS_ID:[AWS_SECRET_KEY]@s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKETNAME wheezy 
> > main
> btw: You don't need to write your credentials in a sources.list anymore
> (which should be world-readable) if your apt is recent enough (and with
> recent I mean at least oldstable). You can populate a netrc-like file at
> /etc/apt/auth.conf with them (create it if you must and set for it the
> permissions to your liking!).

Great to know, thx for the hint we'll use this option as a fallback in case
that IAM role (AWS auth system) is not available.

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