Hi isis!

glad to hear you're experimenting with assword!

> I clicked "Create". Then it died and turned it's legs up in the air. :'(

did it also give you a horrible pythonic backtrace, or did the gui just
go away?  If it gave you a backtrace, i'd like to see it.

the expected behavior, though, is that the window should disappear, and
then whatever had kbd input focus before should suddenly have a
high-entropy password typed or pasted into it.

assword gui is (deliberately) extremely minimal.  its job is to collect
a context from the user and then inject the associated password into the
X11 session it was pulled from.

Maybe we could include a «?» button in the gui that explains the
expected workflow a bit if it sees that there are no contexts available
-- would that help?  I don't want to clutter the gui if we can avoid it
though, i'm a big fan of the minimalism.


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