On 09/08/14 19:26, Markus Koschany wrote:
> That's not what I see when I create a tar.gz archive and extract those
> files again. If the "overwrite existing files" option is cleared and I
> try to overwrite existing files, a small window with a warning will pop up.
> Please attach a simple test case and describe step-by-step what has to
> be done to reproduce this issue.

The archive I noticed the error on was a simple .gz file, not a .tar.gz.

I've attached a small example which demonstrates the problem:
1. Extract Packages.gz using Xarchiver, creating a file 'Packages' in
the same directory.
2. Modify the Packages file to make changes obvious by running
  echo "CHANGED" >> Packages
3. Run Xarchiver again, click extract files, leave the 'Overwrite
existing files' option clear, then click the Extract button.
4. The 'Packages' file is overwritten without warning.

[While preparing this, I also noticed that the 'Extract' options become
disabled if you cancel the extract dialog. I can submit a separate bug
for this.]


Attachment: Packages.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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