
On 24.08.2014 18:55, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 07:22:37PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> I will investigate whether an update to 2.2.8 can resolve the issues
>> with mojarra. I'll report back as soon as it's done.
> I'm pretty sure 2.2.8 would resolve almost all the outstaing issues.
> However, after inspecting 2.2.8 I found it B-D on Java EE 6 APIs (e.g.
> javax.enterprise.context) and AFAICT they are not available in Debian
> yet.

I see that we are now working with three people on this issue. :) I've
pushed some small changes. Please let me know if you agree with the
updated get-orig-source target and if we should use upstream's SVN
repository from now on. I couldn't find a source tarball for 2.2.8.

I'm now going to rebase your "debian-build" patch. Perhaps some of those
dependencies can be avoided.



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