Dear Lucas and Andreas,

thank you very much for your report and the patch!

I am just back from holidays and I will consider it quickly.

It is a good idea to simplify the test script using the different parts of the expectedConfigOutput argument.

The number of extensions varies with the version (hopefully always increasing!), so I might leave the two if blocks.
The best would be to use the if block only to test the number of extensions.

Andreas, FYI, the script version on the svn include the correct test (for CamiTK 3.3.2). I will check everything is ok with the current sid and check if everything works for the next vtk version (considering auto-vtk transition [1]) I also have to close bug 747421 (I did not had any answer from the bug submitter) [2].


Emmanuel Promayon
UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS, TIMC-IMAG UMR 5525 (équipe GMCAO)
Institut de l'Ingénierie de l'Information de Santé
Faculté de Médecine - 38706 La Tronche cedex - France
Tel. +33/0 456 52 00 03 - Fax. +33/0 456 52 00 55 - B7

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