Am 26.08.2014 15:09, schrieb Nicolas George:
> Thanks for looking into it.
> Le nonidi 9 fructidor, an CCXXII, Michael Biebl a écrit :
>> I still get those error messages with v214 but it seems the session is
>> cleaned up properly. I do no longer have any (sd-pam) processes for that
>> user and no delay on shutdown.
> I believe the difference is caused by this bug, present in v208 but fixed in
> v214:
> In v208, the failure and timeout happen at shutdown (or when the admin stops
> the service explicitly). In v214, the failure and timeout happen immediately
> when the "nobody" session finishes, and thus happens completely in
> background. The service still goes into failure state, and I suppose that
> can have subtle advert effects; it definitely looks unclean.
>> That said, I guess we should fix the code to fall back to something safe
>> like / if the CHDIR does not succeed resp. the directory does not exist.
> I am not entirely sure this would be a good thing: having a nonexistent home
> directory is made for preventing this kind of thing to happen.
> In this particular case, I find it rather strange to try to invoke /bin/kill
> instead of killing directly. I did not manage to find where it came from by
> reading the code.

Since this looks like a clear upstream bug, could you please file it
upstream and report back with the bug number.



Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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