On Tue, Nov 29, 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
> Discussing it on #arabeyes seems like the problem is related to the
> GSUB table (Glyph Substitution Table) and/or to the way the pango
> library is configured.
> I'm not sure if this bug really belongs to cdebconf-gtk-udeb

Yesterday, I've identified the problem, which is not related to
GTK nor to Arabeyes font, but to a font configuration issue:

it seems that another font (FreeSans, probably) contains arabic glyphs
that get used instead of the Arabeyes font. Indeed, when removing all
fonts but ae_Tholoth.ttf and then launching debian-installer, it

[1] http://adn.diwi.org/tmp/d-i-arabic.png

So we have to configure font-config correctly to get ae used first for
Arabic language (however, 'fc-list :lang=ar' only returns ae font, but I
am not font-config expert at all).

Moreover, using ae as sans-serif default font is not acceptable too, as
Frans has stated, as it may not be able to display all languages
characters, and the quality is not as good as FreeSans (see [2]).

[2] http://adn.diwi.org/tmp/d-i-language-list.png

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

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